I am computer illiterate, at least for my generation. Yes, I am leaps and bounds ahead of the average 60 year old, but for someone who has had a computer for most of my life, I stand by my description of computer illiterate. It is because of this I am in shock and awe at my creating of a blog-- but here I am.
And now a bit about us...
I am married to my lovely husband, "the zookeeper", and together we have two beautiful children Fish and Puppy.
Fish was our first, a little girl with so much energy and joy that you simply melt in her presence... or pull out your hair! She has been our "teacher" with allergies and all things sorta- crunchy. We have learned through necessity and continue to learn as she grows. As with all firsts she has been our guinea pig with our beliefs and practices on child rearing, and to her we will be forever grateful.
Puppy is our second, our miracle boy. After an uneventful pregnancy, and a fairly uneventful delivery, our baby boy came out "dusky" ( a medical term...meaning gray), and started a 16 day journey through the NICU and medical terms and conditions I had never before even thought about. This scary list all boils down to two things "strokes" and "brain damage". We sit with baited breath waiting to see what comes of these things, as only time can truly tell. He is making leaps and bounds in development, surprising his doctors with every bit of progress he makes. We thank God for our baby boy and (not always willingly) place him in His hands.
We love. We laugh. We fight. We fail. We get back up again, because we are parents, and that is what you do. We pray. We grow. We LIVE.
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