Monday, January 18, 2010

Project Linus

The hospital is a drab and depressing place, especially when you have been admitted for a serious health concern for your child. It flat out sucks. One of the saddest aspects for me, and I think for many moms who are in the same boat, (besides the medical condition at hand), is the all too sterile cage of a bed that all kids go into. Project Linus is a non-profit organization that gives the hospital hand-made blankets to pass out to patients. Puppy received one of these during his last stay at Children's, and it did wonders to brighten my mood. We hadn't gotten things together yet enough to get his blankets from home to use as his bedding (as we did when he was in the NICU), so the little fleece airplane blanket meant so much to me in the moment. So I am going to start making blankets for Project Linus, and invite all of you to help. Below is the link for the Columbus, OH chapter, but there are chapters all over the United States and Canada. There are even no sew options, and blankets that can be made in well under an hour.

AND... if bringing joy to kiddos and thier families isn't reason enough to help, Project Linus is also participating in the Disney Give a Day, Get a Day campaign!

1 comment:

  1. OH MY! This sound so great! Thanks for the link! When Eli had his eye surgery they gave him a little toy and I thought that was sweet but a homemade blanki would have been so great!!
